"Saddle Horse: Photographs by Lisa Cohen" opens at the gallery at Still River Editions

"Stolen Moment"
© Lisa Cohen
"Saddle Horse: Photographs by Lisa Cohen" opens October 25 at the Gallery at Still River Editions with an opening reception from 2 pm - 4 pm. The opening and exhibit are free and open to the public.

The exhibit reflects Lisa Cohen's experiences photographing the Great American Horse Drive in Colorado, an annual event during which 800 working horses are driven 60 miles over two days. These horses live free much like the wild mustangs do over the winter months, and then spend more clement seasons working on ranches. It is a unique opportunity, given both the animals and the landscape.

Cohen noticed some of the same animals over the four times she returned to the event, and photographed them as they sought each other out, as in "Stolen Moment" at left.

Not all of the images are as restful--she also captures the thundering movement of the herd, which creates a sense of exhilaration.

The Gallery at Still River Editions is located at 128 East Liberty St., Danbury, Connecticut. Regular gallery hours are 8:30 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday. The exhibit was printed by Master Printmaker Mark Savoia.

Facebook invite for the opening