Florence Froeder / New Fairfield Artist Tour, September 26th

© Florence Froeder

Watercolorist, painter, and client Florence Froeder is opening her studio as part of the New Fairfield Artists' Studio Tour on Saturday, September 26. There are five artists participating in the event sponsored by the Candlewood Arts Fund. Studios will be open from 1-4 pm, and afterward there will be an artists' reception from 4-5pm at Sue Newton's Barn Gallery at 82 Route 37 in New Fairfield.

Check out the above link for more details on the other artists.

If you've never gone on a studio visit before, this is a good opportunity to check out some artists, and see how they work, without having to drive to a major city. It'll be a good weekend to do that, get some apples and cider doughnuts, and see the blushing leaves.
