SoNo Arts Celebration This Weekend in Norwalk, CT & Other Delights

It's been a nearly annual tradition for me to go to the SoNo Arts Celebration with my best gal pal. We usually end up eating Pad Thai with some chicken on a stick, and have lemonade, and buy spiced nuts to eat while walking around and looking at the art and listening to music.

Hope to see usual favorites (I'm hoping photographer Vincent Serbin will be there), and I look forward to checking out new artists.

Irrepressibly creative folks with great color sense, Karl Heine, and kHyal™ of DesignerGrill will be there, featuring the Weather sKwirl. Karl and kHyal's street-level shop for creativeplacement will be hosting events throughout the weekend.

There are a bunch of gallery shows opening tonight/this weekend, it being the first week of the month... Haviland St. Gallery in Norwalk, and The Gallery at Black Rock in Bridgeport, are two places I know are hosting events. If I find out specifics later, I will post them here.

See you around!
