Life in a Day: Participate in a Worldwide Self-documentary Project July 24

Life in a Day's idea is this: to document July 24--a single day on earth---from as many perspectives as possible. It's up to you what and how much you film. Videos must be uploaded to their site between July 24 and 31.

I don't shoot much video, but I think even I might participate. Youtube is calling it an "historic cinematic experiment". There are a few prompts, but the rest is up to you.

Huh... one of the "don'ts" is no music, and others include not infringing on various forms of other people's intellectual property, and trademarks. Makes sense unless you are the owner of that intellectual property... like music, for example? [Can it really be a representative day on earth without music or high art?]

Make a video. Have fun. Upload it. If you do it, can you send me a link?
